MooTools is another library, worthy of attention. It can also expand our view on the JavaScript language itself. “My Object-Oriented Tools” — MooTools It is modular (in construction) JavaScript library. The foundation is called Core. Other libraries are optional. MooTools consists of a plurality of modules. Such design allows users to retrieve only the parts […]
Posts Tagged ‘BOM’

Prototype JS in a nutshell. Part 2.
Welcome to the second part of the Prototype JS course. Today we will focus on the elements of the document and performing operations on them. Prototype JS — further steps In this part of the course we will work with the DOM, but using Prototype JS approach. So let’s move ahead to discuss further elements […]

JavaScript Frameworks — foreword
So far, we have described most of the key aspects and features of JavaScript including object-oriented programming, DOM, AJAX. There were various practical examples. It’s time for another extremely important step: JavaScript Frameworks. And here comes the real fun (and a considerable saving of time). JavaScript Frameworks We briefly present the solutions well known by […]

JavaScript DOM. Next step — we explore DOM and BOM.
It’s time to take a step forward. We explore DOM and BOM (Browser Object Model, don’t confuse with Byte Order Mark). JavaScript DOM We will meet with DOM many times. The topic is extensive, but definitely it’s one of the most interesting things in JavaScript. Moreover, thanks to the operations of the DOM we have […]