Posts Tagged ‘regular expressions’

JavaScript and jQuery mini tips II

OK, it’s time for the next JS and jQuery mini tips. Today something about Fancybox plugin, check-boxes and parsing URLs in raw text. JavaScript and jQuery tips To the point. 1. Conditional form submit using JavaScript / jQuery It’s about sending the form only if the user checked a check-box (e.g. accept the Terms of […]

Best solutions in JavaScript — part 2

Update 09-2014 : note — this article has been originally created several years ago, so maybe a little different from today’s standards of good and recommended solutions. Welcome to the next part about practical examples and solutions in JavaScript. We’ll focus mainly on issues of validation (validator elements implementation). It’s just continuation of the previous […]

Best solutions in JavaScript — part 1

Update 09-2014 : note — this article has been originally created several years ago, so maybe a little different from today’s standards of good and recommended solutions. Today we recommend the first part of best practices and solutions in JavaScript. It is purely practical. We present tips and simple tricks. Best solutions in JavaScript An […]

Cookies in JavaScript

In this article we will talk about working with cookies in JavaScript. And no, it’s not about eating. Working with cookies in JavaScript Cookies — small information sent by a web server and stored on the user side (typically on the hard disk). Cookies are most commonly used for counters, probes, online stores, sites that […]

Regular expressions in JavaScript

Today we will discuss one of the slightly more difficult topics, namely regular expressions. Of course, really difficult are the most powerful and advanced expressions. However, possibilities offered by this tool are really huge. Regular expressions in JavaScript Regular Expressions are a way to save a pattern, which can be compared with strings, to check […]