Previously we talked about Adobe AIR basics, including preparation of development environment. It’s time for the next article, and more practice. We will work with windows and XHR calls (yes, we can enjoy AJAX in AIR apps). Working with windows in Adobe AIR Creating a window looks exactly the same as it is in classic […]
Posts Tagged ‘XMLHTTPRequest’

Adobe AIR tutorial — an introduction and first application
Adobe AIR — quick start In this article I want to provide a quick start with the Adobe AIR technology. It’s the next reason to learn JavaScript and improve our knowledge about this language and related technologies. Adobe AIR (Adobe Integrated Runtime) it’s a runtime environment for RIA apps, which can be developed in Adobe […]

Dojo Toolkit in a nutshell. Part 2.
In the part 2 of the Dojo Toolkit basic course, we will do the review on various aspects of working with this JS framework. The Dojo Toolkit library in practice The possibilities of the library already discussed in the first part, although the words are unnecessary when we revise examples. Configuration At the beginning — […]

Dojo Toolkit in a nutshell. Part 1.
Dojo Toolkit is open-source collection for JavaScript programming language. It provides a rich set of tools for developers. The Dojo Toolkit library The framework includes a number of components. Widgets (and the Dijit widgets system) Dojo widgets are composed of JavaScript, HTML and CSS, and there are, among others: menus and tool-tips, sortable tables, dynamic […]

MooTools library in a nutshell. Part 2 — summary.
Here is the second, summarizing part of the course, the theme of which is the JavaScript MooTools library. The MooTools library Let’s start with the benefits of object-oriented programming (OOP) support, offered by MooTools. “Class” and creating classes Constructor: where: properties (object) — is a collection of class properties. These properties can also be incorporated […]

Basics of AJAX
Welcome to the next article where we will discuss the basics of this, what changed JavaScript for ever. Basics of AJAX The AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) — is a technology of web application development, in which the user can interact with the server without reloading the entire document. Operations are done asynchronously. AJAX technology […]