Posts Tagged ‘DOM’

Web storage tutorial — applications that store data locally

Today we present the tutorial about creating a simple web application, which stores data in localStorage. The app will be able to save and store the settings of its own appearance. Web storage tutorial 1. Let’s start by adding jQuery and simple CSS styles for UI elements: 2. Create a simple form in the body […]

DOM Storage — JavaScript Web Storage

There is no problem with Web apps with server-side back end code, where we can for example store data in MySQL or simply — in files. Thanks to Web storage / DOM storage, our modern web application can store the data itself, and we will handle them in JavaScript. JavaScript Web Storage It is a […]

jQuery tips and tricks

In today’s article we’ll do a small review of interesting jQuery tips. The framework itself gives the programmer a gigantic possibilities, that still can be extended through tricks and best practices. jQuery tips This time we focus more on practice and examples, rather than theory. Tip 1. Determine the size of our document In details, […]

Dojo Toolkit in a nutshell. Part 3 — summary.

In the third section summarizing the basic course of Dojo Toolkit, we will see the creation of visual effects using this library. Dojo Toolkit: effects and animations Any self-respecting JavaScript framework includes solutions to support programming visual effects. It is no different in the Dojo Toolkit. The library since version 1.9 provides two modules: dojo/_base/fx […]

Dojo Toolkit in a nutshell. Part 2.

In the part 2 of the Dojo Toolkit basic course, we will do the review on various aspects of working with this JS framework. The Dojo Toolkit library in practice The possibilities of the library already discussed in the first part, although the words are unnecessary when we revise examples. Configuration At the beginning — […]

Dojo Toolkit in a nutshell. Part 1.

Dojo Toolkit is open-source collection for JavaScript programming language. It provides a rich set of tools for developers. The Dojo Toolkit library The framework includes a number of components. Widgets (and the Dijit widgets system) Dojo widgets are composed of JavaScript, HTML and CSS, and there are, among others: menus and tool-tips, sortable tables, dynamic […]

Introduction to Ext JS

Today’s course is little bit different. This is a one-piece mini-course of Ext JS library. It aims to introduce this powerful JavaScript framework. The Ext JS It’s a framework for JavaScript language, which supports building interactive web applications, user interfaces and more, using techniques such as DOM or AJAX. Ext JS has among others many […]

jQuery course — AJAX, examples, and a summary

Here we have the 3rd part of jQuery course. Further exploring of jQuery possibilities Today we briefly describe programming Ajax elements, using jQuery. We show also some interesting examples and tips jQuery, and finally mention about jQuery UI. The jQuery gives us a high level of abstraction, with a rich support for Ajax. So the […]

jQuery — DOM, events and effects. Part 2.

Here we go with the second part of jQuery basics, in which we describe the visual effects, DOM operations and events handling using this library. Getting deeper in jQuery Let’s start with the basics of visual effects. There are main methods for elements visibility: show() — causes dynamic showing of hidden element. As arguments can […]

jQuery course — basics

And now it’s time for jQuery! jQuery course — basics of framework Welcome to the 1st part of basic jQuery course. We talked already about various JavaScript frameworks (such as Prototype JS or MooTools). Now we want to describe the key topics of a giant — jQuery. Speaking giant, we mean the possibilities offered by […]