Sass (Syntactically awesome style sheets), aka CSS with superpowers, is a preprocessor, which makes developing styles for our projects much easier, more enjoyable, and faster. It also allows us to significantly improve the code structure itself, to use variables and create reusable elements (mixins, placeholders). The maintenance of such code is much easier. Learning Sass […]
Posts Tagged ‘CSS’

Style, conventions and general CSS methodologies. Part II Sass, BEM, rscss, SMACSS, WTF?
Hello dev-friends! Let’s continue the topics discussed in part I. Today we will look closer at different CSS writing methodologies, such as BEM, rscss, SMACSS. It should be also mentioned, that the methodologies can be combined (eg OOCSS + BEM). Of course only if it makes a sense to us. That’s actually important thing. It’s […]

CSS structure, style and conventions. Sass, OOCSS, BEM, rscss, SMACSS, OMG?
What does it mean to be busy? For example, there was absolutely no time for new posts on the blog, but the topics list is never-ending. I was so busy, professionally and privately. Today we back “on-line”, with a really nice topic. We can save our time by optimizing daily tasks. Organizing and automating them. […]

Bootstrap Tutorial and RWD — responsive websites
Today a quick tutorial about Bootstrap and creating responsive websites. Actually a template of good start point for further projects. We will also talk about the techniques, which allow us to reach specific results. We also collected links to resources with valuable information. Bootstrap Tutorial — responsive template by hand As we know, Twitter Bootstrap […]

CSS: visually consistent html5 progress bar in all browsers
Today a few words about HTML5 progress bar, and more specifically about adding CSS rules to such an element, so it will be looking same in all the browsers. For example there may be a requirement at design level, to keep visually consistent html5 progress bars. The developer may be surprised about the default behavior […]

Progress bar with CSS and HTML5 in a few lines of code
A progress bar in CSS for web project? Sure, and it without using images. Today short and to the point. Create progress bar with CSS and HTML5 We can use HTML5 and Bootstrap, or define our own CSS styles. Solution #1 — HTML5 Let’s add Twitter Bootstrap and jQuery to our web page, and a […]

No skill — no deal! Full-stack and Front-end Developer required skills
As they say: no skill — no deal! Without proper skills we won’t do too much. Also continuous development of our skills is also important. It’s not like the old days, when a knowledge of DHTML and PHP was sufficient. Nowadays the developer must know not only various programming languages, but also o lot of […]

Mustache JS tutorial by jQuery and Express application example. Part 2/2.
Welcome to the 2nd part of Mustache JS and Express tutorial. Today we will finish the work begun in part 1. Mustache JS and jQuery in action So far we’ve discussed the basics of work with Mustache JS library, prepared test data and the server in node.js. Now it’s time to code the front-end layer! […]

Using Mustache JS by jQuery and Express application example. Part 1/2.
In this tutorial we will create a web application using great tools — html5, Bootstrap, jQuery, Mustache JS and Express. Step by step. We will also use the ionicons. Mustache JS Not everyone (including me) likes templating systems in for example PHP. But here the situation is much different! Mustache JS is a JavaScript implementation […]

CSS tips and tricks
When we work with CSS, we often create or find interesting solutions for various tasks or problems encountered. CSS Tips 1. Cross-browser CSS word break for too long text For example, when we are creating front-end for the on-line chat, and there we have div-s for particular messages. The user writes very long text or […]