Hello! We were to busy to publish next AngularJS articles, but at least here we have some cool stuff. It’s a small ranking of Top 5 resources from our website with web development stuff. Top 5 jQuery plugins — Feb 2016 Here we go — from most popular. 1. jQuery and Bootstrap show hide password […]
Archive for the ‘Others’ Category

jQuery plugins, JavaScript libraries, tutorials and codes — new website
Its working now! We invite you to a new page with interesting resources. We find there jQuery plugins, variety of useful JavaScript libraries, tutorials and more. We publish materials in our opinion worthy of attention, so both Web Developers and Web Designers can find in one place solutions for own projects. And maybe even new […]

JavaScript and jQuery mini tips
The next article about JS and jQ tips, but in fresh, concise form. Quick JS and jQuery mini tips 1. Clickable background image on the website It’s about the case, when we want to make a clickable background of the website, for example, as advert pointing the user to some url after click on website […]

JavaScript, HTML5, CSS and Data URI
What is that? The Data URI scheme is simply a way to represent the information, but in such a way the data usually kept in files (e.g. images) are available in a form of text string! Such a string has its own format, and allows developers to easily transfer the resource, e.g. between Web applications, […]

DOM Storage — JavaScript Web Storage
There is no problem with Web apps with server-side back end code, where we can for example store data in MySQL or simply — in files. Thanks to Web storage / DOM storage, our modern web application can store the data itself, and we will handle them in JavaScript. JavaScript Web Storage It is a […]

Merry Christmas! And some JavaScript :-)
I’d like to wish Merry Christmas for everyone, and a successful New Year! Also I wanted to present here a few nice JavaScript effects related with Christmas. — js1k is a challenge for developers, and here a beautiful effect of Christmas Tree: http://js1k.com/2010-xmas/demo/856 — jQuery let it snow http://www.thepetedesign.com/demos/let_it_snow_demo.html — snow but using Zepto.js https://github.com/madrobby/zepto/blob/gh-pages/let-it-snow/index.html […]

JavaScript WTF — strange elements of JS
This article is a little different. Namely, we revise the strange elements of JavaScript. Sometimes is called JavaScript WTF 🙂 Some are just funny, others cause debugging a bit longer. So let’s remember them, when our code starts to do weird things. JavaScript WTF Certainly much depends on the browser (implementation of JavaScript). In newer […]

Happy programmers’ day 2014!
Hello World and Happy programmers’ day 2014 for everyone! Yes, today is our — programmers day! We are celebrating programmers on the 256th day (2^8, Math.pow(2, 8)) of the Year! So I wish us all the best, bug-free code, easy deadlines, amazing projects, great customers / managers. But, wait, where’s your TP(S) report? 🙂 No […]
Welcome (and we are back) after small break
Welcome back after more than a month break! But the reason is not a laziness. Quite the contrary. I’ve been busy with development of my own small IT company (DirectCode). It costs a lot of time and energy. There is still a lot to do, but the company is at a slightly higher level than […]