Finally, I’ve got a little bit of time for blogging, so today wanted to write a few words about one of useful tools for developers — Yeoman. Yo man! Useful tools for programmers — Mr Yeoman Why to do the tedious, repetitive tasks, if it can be done for us by machine, or in this […]
Archive for the ‘Node.js’ Category

No skill — no deal! Full-stack and Front-end Developer required skills
As they say: no skill — no deal! Without proper skills we won’t do too much. Also continuous development of our skills is also important. It’s not like the old days, when a knowledge of DHTML and PHP was sufficient. Nowadays the developer must know not only various programming languages, but also o lot of […]

Mustache JS tutorial by jQuery and Express application example. Part 2/2.
Welcome to the 2nd part of Mustache JS and Express tutorial. Today we will finish the work begun in part 1. Mustache JS and jQuery in action So far we’ve discussed the basics of work with Mustache JS library, prepared test data and the server in node.js. Now it’s time to code the front-end layer! […]

Using Mustache JS by jQuery and Express application example. Part 1/2.
In this tutorial we will create a web application using great tools — html5, Bootstrap, jQuery, Mustache JS and Express. Step by step. We will also use the ionicons. Mustache JS Not everyone (including me) likes templating systems in for example PHP. But here the situation is much different! Mustache JS is a JavaScript implementation […]

Node.js and tutorial — simple real-time comments
Previously we have written about node.js and Today we continue the topic by developing real example. We will create a simple, efficient commenting system between users. Data processing and refreshing the list of comments will be done in real-time, for all users having our web application opened. Node.js and tutorial Step by step, […]
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Node.js and — a basic tutorial
Node.js itself is great. Let’s add and have possibilities, which formerly we could only dream of. Node.js and After presenting basics of node.js and how to work with databases, it’s time to reach for even more interesting things. One of them certainly is Simply establish a connection between our site (front end) […]

Node.js and MySQL, couple words about MongoDB
After introduction to node.js it’s time to go with more advanced and practical information. Today we play with communication between node.js and MySQL databases, and also we mention of MongoDB. Node.js and MySQL If we code using e.g. PHP, we should have LAMP installed in our system, so then we have also MySQL. Additionally we […]

Node.js introduction
JavaScript’s popularity is obvious. And solutions such as node.js have a big influence on this. For a longer time, we can see and hear a lot about this technology. We also use node from some time, and… we can do really cool things, so for sure it’s something worthy of attention. And finally I have […]