Posts Tagged ‘event’

Mouse and keyboard in JavaScript

Welcome to the article, in which we will try to comprehensively but succinctly talk about working with the mouse and keyboard in JavaScript. We will also see how popular frameworks can help us. Handling mouse and keyboard in JavaScript Considerations we should start with events, because processing data from basic input devices will be based […]

Best solutions in JavaScript — part 1

Update 09-2014 : note — this article has been originally created several years ago, so maybe a little different from today’s standards of good and recommended solutions. Today we recommend the first part of best practices and solutions in JavaScript. It is purely practical. We present tips and simple tricks. Best solutions in JavaScript An […]

JavaScript file

Forms in JavaScript

So far, we have described a number of different topics, and now it’s time for an article about forms in JavaScript. Forms, especially in combination with CSS and JavaScript, are providing a strong foundation for development of UI elements to interact with the user. Forms in JavaScript Handling forms in JavaScript from scratch. The form […]

OOP in JavaScript part 2. Summary.

Part 2. of the OOP in JavaScript. Today we will show some more advanced examples. OOP in JavaScript — techniques For a good start, let’s take a closer look at arrays. Arrays as objects A simple array, e.g.: can be written in a concise form: And certainly we can operate on arrays in the same […]

JavaScript DOM. Next step — we explore DOM and BOM.

It’s time to take a step forward. We explore DOM and BOM (Browser Object Model, don’t confuse with Byte Order Mark). JavaScript DOM We will meet with DOM many times. The topic is extensive, but definitely it’s one of the most interesting things in JavaScript. Moreover, thanks to the operations of the DOM we have […]