Posts Tagged ‘algorithms’

Algorithms and data structures in JavaScript

In today’s article will be a very important topic, namely: algorithms and data structures in JavaScript. It is an important topic for programming in general. We should not have prejudices — Javascript is suitable for this purpose very well. Perhaps some things will be in ths language a bit harder, but that others will be […]

JavaScript file

PHP functions in JavaScript — the php.js library

In this short article we want to present a very interesting library — php.js. PHP functions in JavaScript thanks to the php.js library The library allows the programmer to use the functions known from PHP in JavaScript, by implementing their capabilities and syntax. Of course it’s about equivalents of PHP functions, implemented in JavaScript. The […]

Best solutions in JavaScript — part 1

Update 09-2014 : note — this article has been originally created several years ago, so maybe a little different from today’s standards of good and recommended solutions. Today we recommend the first part of best practices and solutions in JavaScript. It is purely practical. We present tips and simple tricks. Best solutions in JavaScript An […]