Archive for the ‘Case studies’ Category

Mustache JS tutorial by jQuery and Express application example. Part 2/2.

Welcome to the 2nd part of Mustache JS and Express tutorial. Today we will finish the work begun in part 1. Mustache JS and jQuery in action So far we’ve discussed the basics of work with Mustache JS library, prepared test data and the server in node.js. Now it’s time to code the front-end layer! […]

Using Mustache JS by jQuery and Express application example. Part 1/2.

In this tutorial we will create a web application using great tools — html5, Bootstrap, jQuery, Mustache JS and Express. Step by step. We will also use the ionicons. Mustache JS Not everyone (including me) likes templating systems in for example PHP. But here the situation is much different! Mustache JS is a JavaScript implementation […]

bono sin deposito

Node.js and tutorial — simple real-time comments

Previously we have written about node.js and Today we continue the topic by developing real example. We will create a simple, efficient commenting system between users. Data processing and refreshing the list of comments will be done in real-time, for all users having our web application opened. Node.js and tutorial Step by step, […]

HTML5 Canvas, JavaScript and operations on images

Some time ago we got a small job. The subject: small research and creation of simple on-line editor for images, which should be editable from HTML5 Canvas and JavaScript level. Then the user should be able to save / send the final image. Today we present the basic elements and some examples related to this […]

A simple Halloween game in JavaScript — rapid development with jQuery

I love this atmosphere of Halloween! Having a free moment, I decided to create a simple game to fully feel the atmosphere. Halloween game in JavaScript It’s about the time not complicated requirements. For the project (and writing about on this blog) I had not too much time. Therefore, the aim was to create a […]

Adobe AIR tutorial: an application to backup files on the server

Some time ago I decided to write a simple application to backup files quickly, and place them on my server. I created with program using Adobe AIR (and PHP for a small backend). Adobe AIR tutorial — creating a real application We will read here, among others, about Drag&Drop, communication with the server, and handle […]