Today… a small article about the approach to writing code. Do you write your JS code declaratively, or rather imperatively? It’s good to take a look closer. Similarly to approaches of writing and organizing CSS styles. Declarative JavaScript vs imperative in JavaScript/ES6 Declarative programming is a programming paradigm — an approach to building the structure […]
Posts Tagged ‘tips’

CSS structure, style and conventions. Sass, OOCSS, BEM, rscss, SMACSS, OMG?
What does it mean to be busy? For example, there was absolutely no time for new posts on the blog, but the topics list is never-ending. I was so busy, professionally and privately. Today we back “on-line”, with a really nice topic. We can save our time by optimizing daily tasks. Organizing and automating them. […]

jQuery mini tips III — forms
Welcome to the next article of the jQuery mini tips series. Today we will play around selected aspects of working with the form elements. 1. Prevent to select more than one item in select multiple input Once I created a project, where I had to show UI in a little bit old-school way (similar to […]

CSS tips and tricks
When we work with CSS, we often create or find interesting solutions for various tasks or problems encountered. CSS Tips 1. Cross-browser CSS word break for too long text For example, when we are creating front-end for the on-line chat, and there we have div-s for particular messages. The user writes very long text or […]

JavaScript and jQuery mini tips II
OK, it’s time for the next JS and jQuery mini tips. Today something about Fancybox plugin, check-boxes and parsing URLs in raw text. JavaScript and jQuery tips To the point. 1. Conditional form submit using JavaScript / jQuery It’s about sending the form only if the user checked a check-box (e.g. accept the Terms of […]

JavaScript and jQuery mini tips
The next article about JS and jQ tips, but in fresh, concise form. Quick JS and jQuery mini tips 1. Clickable background image on the website It’s about the case, when we want to make a clickable background of the website, for example, as advert pointing the user to some url after click on website […]

jQuery tips and tricks
In today’s article we’ll do a small review of interesting jQuery tips. The framework itself gives the programmer a gigantic possibilities, that still can be extended through tricks and best practices. jQuery tips This time we focus more on practice and examples, rather than theory. Tip 1. Determine the size of our document In details, […]

Algorithms and data structures in JavaScript
In today’s article will be a very important topic, namely: algorithms and data structures in JavaScript. It is an important topic for programming in general. We should not have prejudices — Javascript is suitable for this purpose very well. Perhaps some things will be in ths language a bit harder, but that others will be […]

PHP functions in JavaScript — the php.js library
In this short article we want to present a very interesting library — php.js. PHP functions in JavaScript thanks to the php.js library The library allows the programmer to use the functions known from PHP in JavaScript, by implementing their capabilities and syntax. Of course it’s about equivalents of PHP functions, implemented in JavaScript. The […]

jQuery course — AJAX, examples, and a summary
Here we have the 3rd part of jQuery course. Further exploring of jQuery possibilities Today we briefly describe programming Ajax elements, using jQuery. We show also some interesting examples and tips jQuery, and finally mention about jQuery UI. The jQuery gives us a high level of abstraction, with a rich support for Ajax. So the […]