Welcome to the 2nd part of Mustache JS and Express tutorial. Today we will finish the work begun in part 1. Mustache JS and jQuery in action So far we’ve discussed the basics of work with Mustache JS library, prepared test data and the server in node.js. Now it’s time to code the front-end layer! […]
Posts Tagged ‘JSON’

Using Mustache JS by jQuery and Express application example. Part 1/2.
In this tutorial we will create a web application using great tools — html5, Bootstrap, jQuery, Mustache JS and Express. Step by step. We will also use the ionicons. Mustache JS Not everyone (including me) likes templating systems in for example PHP. But here the situation is much different! Mustache JS is a JavaScript implementation […]

Dojo Toolkit in a nutshell. Part 2.
In the part 2 of the Dojo Toolkit basic course, we will do the review on various aspects of working with this JS framework. The Dojo Toolkit library in practice The possibilities of the library already discussed in the first part, although the words are unnecessary when we revise examples. Configuration At the beginning — […]

jQuery course — AJAX, examples, and a summary
Here we have the 3rd part of jQuery course. Further exploring of jQuery possibilities Today we briefly describe programming Ajax elements, using jQuery. We show also some interesting examples and tips jQuery, and finally mention about jQuery UI. The jQuery gives us a high level of abstraction, with a rich support for Ajax. So the […]

MooTools library in a nutshell. Part 2 — summary.
Here is the second, summarizing part of the course, the theme of which is the JavaScript MooTools library. The MooTools library Let’s start with the benefits of object-oriented programming (OOP) support, offered by MooTools. “Class” and creating classes Constructor: where: properties (object) — is a collection of class properties. These properties can also be incorporated […]

Prototype JS in a nutshell. Part 3 — summary.
It’s time for the last, 3rd part of basic Prototype JS course, where we focus on the use of forms, associative arrays, strings and others, but this time on the rules of Prototype JS. Further delving into the Prototype JS framework Let’s start with the forms. Form Prototype JS encapsulates and / or extends to […]

Prototype JS Framework in a nutshell. Part 1.
Here is the first part of the short courses, describing JavaScript frameworks. The first of these will be Prototype JS. Prototype JS Framework — from scratch A little bit of preliminary information appears in the article JavaScript Frameworks — foreword. The purpose of this article is not to replace the documentation, but the description of […]

JSON format and JavaScript
Welcome to the new article. We touch various topics, and now we feel obliged to write about JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). It is a lightweight computer data interchange format. JSON is a text format, and you can treat it as a subset of JavaScript. JSON format in JavaScript The MIME type for JSON format is […]

Basics of AJAX
Welcome to the next article where we will discuss the basics of this, what changed JavaScript for ever. Basics of AJAX The AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) — is a technology of web application development, in which the user can interact with the server without reloading the entire document. Operations are done asynchronously. AJAX technology […]

JavaScript — for what and why? Motivation to explore the language.
JavaScript? I’m pretty sure we can find full spectrum of people — from passionate enthusiasts to people that hate this language, and despise JS developers. Meanwhile, in good conscience we can say that JavaScript is more powerful than many people think! Let’s try to answer following questions: Is JavaScript so strong and necessary? Isn’t this […]