Today a quick tutorial about Bootstrap and creating responsive websites. Actually a template of good start point for further projects. We will also talk about the techniques, which allow us to reach specific results. We also collected links to resources with valuable information. Bootstrap Tutorial — responsive template by hand As we know, Twitter Bootstrap […]
Archive for the ‘Tutorials’ Category

AngularJS Tutorial — a simple UI to control elements
Angular in practice! Today we have a small AngularJS tutorial, about creating small UI connected with dynamically created (refreshed) graphical object. AngularJS Tutorial — control an element with Angular In the basic course of Angular, we focused on information. Now it’s time to see it in a real example. Today’s simple tutorial in small steps […]

Mustache JS tutorial by jQuery and Express application example. Part 2/2.
Welcome to the 2nd part of Mustache JS and Express tutorial. Today we will finish the work begun in part 1. Mustache JS and jQuery in action So far we’ve discussed the basics of work with Mustache JS library, prepared test data and the server in node.js. Now it’s time to code the front-end layer! […]

Using Mustache JS by jQuery and Express application example. Part 1/2.
In this tutorial we will create a web application using great tools — html5, Bootstrap, jQuery, Mustache JS and Express. Step by step. We will also use the ionicons. Mustache JS Not everyone (including me) likes templating systems in for example PHP. But here the situation is much different! Mustache JS is a JavaScript implementation […]

Node.js and tutorial — simple real-time comments
Previously we have written about node.js and Today we continue the topic by developing real example. We will create a simple, efficient commenting system between users. Data processing and refreshing the list of comments will be done in real-time, for all users having our web application opened. Node.js and tutorial Step by step, […]

Node.js and MySQL, couple words about MongoDB
After introduction to node.js it’s time to go with more advanced and practical information. Today we play with communication between node.js and MySQL databases, and also we mention of MongoDB. Node.js and MySQL If we code using e.g. PHP, we should have LAMP installed in our system, so then we have also MySQL. Additionally we […]

JavaScript and HTML5 tutorials — creating tools and nice effects
From time to time we search interesting stuff on various websites. Today we present a small collection of things, that we were interested in. The tutorials also covers other topics like PHP, MySQL, etc. JavaScript and HTML5 tutorials — creating tools and nice effects 1. Sliding single-level menu Menu is one of the important components […]

Web storage tutorial — applications that store data locally
Today we present the tutorial about creating a simple web application, which stores data in localStorage. The app will be able to save and store the settings of its own appearance. Web storage tutorial 1. Let’s start by adding jQuery and simple CSS styles for UI elements: 2. Create a simple form in the body […]

DOM Storage — JavaScript Web Storage
There is no problem with Web apps with server-side back end code, where we can for example store data in MySQL or simply — in files. Thanks to Web storage / DOM storage, our modern web application can store the data itself, and we will handle them in JavaScript. JavaScript Web Storage It is a […]

HTML5 tutorial: a photo on the Canvas with clickable elements
The result of today’s work will be an effect, that may be useful in a number of projects. It’s about a kind of comment or action related with defined point on the photo. We can, for example, show detailed information after clicking in that point. HTML5 tutorial — clickable elements on the picture We have […]