Today… a small article about the approach to writing code. Do you write your JS code declaratively, or rather imperatively? It’s good to take a look closer. Similarly to approaches of writing and organizing CSS styles. Declarative JavaScript vs imperative in JavaScript/ES6 Declarative programming is a programming paradigm — an approach to building the structure […]
Posts Tagged ‘JavaScript’

Bootstrap Tutorial and RWD — responsive websites
Today a quick tutorial about Bootstrap and creating responsive websites. Actually a template of good start point for further projects. We will also talk about the techniques, which allow us to reach specific results. We also collected links to resources with valuable information. Bootstrap Tutorial — responsive template by hand As we know, Twitter Bootstrap […]

Useful tools for programmers: Yeoman
Finally, I’ve got a little bit of time for blogging, so today wanted to write a few words about one of useful tools for developers — Yeoman. Yo man! Useful tools for programmers — Mr Yeoman Why to do the tedious, repetitive tasks, if it can be done for us by machine, or in this […]

Top 5 jQuery plugins and libraries — May 2016
The next portion of good jQuery plugins and JavaScript solutions from our library. Here we present a small ranking of top jQuery plugins from May 2016. Top 5 jQuery plugins from May 2016 Ordered by popularity. 1. Style elements, use media queries to build a responsive menu in jQuery In this tutorial you’ll style elements […]

Top jQuery plugins — March 2016
Hello! We added many new interesting positions to our scripts and plugins library. Here we present a small ranking of top jQuery plugins from March 2016. Top jQuery plugins from March 2016 Ordered by popularity. 1. Multi-step jQuery form wizard plugin — jquery.steps The first plugin is a nice way to implement forms in web […]

AngularJS Tutorial — a simple UI to control elements
Angular in practice! Today we have a small AngularJS tutorial, about creating small UI connected with dynamically created (refreshed) graphical object. AngularJS Tutorial — control an element with Angular In the basic course of Angular, we focused on information. Now it’s time to see it in a real example. Today’s simple tutorial in small steps […]

Learning AngularJS — a basic course part III — summary
In the 3rd part of basic Angular course, we will continue topics from the previous part, as well we will touch next related topics. Further learning AngularJS Let’s start with filters. It’s a yet another Angular feature, which takes off a part of tedious work from the programmer. Let’s see them in action, when formatting […]

Learning AngularJS from scratch part II
Today we will continue learning the Angular JS framework, by getting to know better the most important parts of AngularJS application, as well by analyzing small practical examples. Learning AngularJS — further steps The previous part describes basic aspects of this great framework. We already know that AngularJS is a JavaScript language framework, and it […]

Learning AngularJS framework from scratch — Part I
AngularJS is an open-source JavaScript library, developed by Google. It greatly assist in Single Page Application / SPA development. Angular extends HTML by own, special tags. The library implements Model-View-Controller (MVC) and Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) patterns, to help in the development and testing of Web applications. Learning AngularJS — intro. How it works? Angular loads HTML […]

No skill — no deal! Full-stack and Front-end Developer required skills
As they say: no skill — no deal! Without proper skills we won’t do too much. Also continuous development of our skills is also important. It’s not like the old days, when a knowledge of DHTML and PHP was sufficient. Nowadays the developer must know not only various programming languages, but also o lot of […]