The next portion of good jQuery plugins and JavaScript solutions from our library. Here we present a small ranking of top jQuery plugins from May 2016.
Top 5 jQuery plugins from May 2016
Ordered by popularity.
1. Style elements, use media queries to build a responsive menu in jQuery
In this tutorial you’ll style elements and use media queries to build a responsive menu in jQuery. A nice effect reached quickly.
2. Work with date and time in JavaScript? Try moment.js!
Date and time in JavaScript with moment.js library — a nice help for more advanced operations on dates and times in JavaScript.
Basic operations and dates and time may be quite simple, but more advanced like parsing or calculating — aren’t. For this we have moment.js.
3. jQuery full screen pages made easy — fullPage.js
A jQuery full screen pages plugin — we can create full-screen pages easy and fast. Just try jQuery full screen pages solution — fullPage.js.
4. A good jQuery time picker solution
jQuery time picker, easy to use in web projects. Date pickers usually can handle dates only, here we have a jQuery time picker plugin.
5. Generate spinning activity indicators in JavaScript
Activity indicators in JavaScript? Spin.js is a nice library for generating spinning activity indicators in JavaScript. Easy to use, no dependencies.
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