OK, it’s time for the next JS and jQuery mini tips. Today something about Fancybox plugin, check-boxes and parsing URLs in raw text. JavaScript and jQuery tips To the point. 1. Conditional form submit using JavaScript / jQuery It’s about sending the form only if the user checked a check-box (e.g. accept the Terms of […]
Posts Tagged ‘php’

JavaScript, HTML5, CSS and Data URI
What is that? The Data URI scheme is simply a way to represent the information, but in such a way the data usually kept in files (e.g. images) are available in a form of text string! Such a string has its own format, and allows developers to easily transfer the resource, e.g. between Web applications, […]

Node.js and socket.io tutorial — simple real-time comments
Previously we have written about node.js and socket.io. Today we continue the topic by developing real example. We will create a simple, efficient commenting system between users. Data processing and refreshing the list of comments will be done in real-time, for all users having our web application opened. Node.js and socket.io tutorial Step by step, […]

DOM Storage — JavaScript Web Storage
There is no problem with Web apps with server-side back end code, where we can for example store data in MySQL or simply — in files. Thanks to Web storage / DOM storage, our modern web application can store the data itself, and we will handle them in JavaScript. JavaScript Web Storage It is a […]

HTML5 Canvas, JavaScript and operations on images
Some time ago we got a small job. The subject: small research and creation of simple on-line editor for images, which should be editable from HTML5 Canvas and JavaScript level. Then the user should be able to save / send the final image. Today we present the basic elements and some examples related to this […]

Upload files in JavaScript
Today’s point is about how to perform file upload in JavaScript. OK — with a small help of other technologies, however, it’s about a single, cohesive and working solution. Upload files in JavaScript A basic file upload can be done in a simple manner. Just HTML file input and few lines of PHP code to […]

Adobe AIR tutorial: an application to backup files on the server
Some time ago I decided to write a simple application to backup files quickly, and place them on my server. I created with program using Adobe AIR (and PHP for a small backend). Adobe AIR tutorial — creating a real application We will read here, among others, about Drag&Drop, communication with the server, and handle […]

PHP functions in JavaScript — the php.js library
In this short article we want to present a very interesting library — php.js. PHP functions in JavaScript thanks to the php.js library The library allows the programmer to use the functions known from PHP in JavaScript, by implementing their capabilities and syntax. Of course it’s about equivalents of PHP functions, implemented in JavaScript. The […]

Arrays and strings in JavaScript. Basics part 5 — summary.
After discussing the absolute basics, it’s time to talk about arrays and strings in JavaScript. These are really important elements, and having mastered them we are ready to go to the next level. Arrays and strings in JavaScript At first we’ll take a look at text strings and basic methods of processing them. Afterwards we’ll […]

Operators in JavaScript, data types, global elements. Part 3 of language basics.
Welcome to the next article about JavaScript basics. Today we’ll focus on very important topics, such as data types and operators in JavaScript. Operators in JavaScript They serve the programmer to perform basic operations on variables, like assignment, arithmetic, comparison, and more. Arithmetic operators This looks the same as in other programming languages: + (addition) […]