The next article about JS and jQ tips, but in fresh, concise form. Quick JS and jQuery mini tips 1. Clickable background image on the website It’s about the case, when we want to make a clickable background of the website, for example, as advert pointing the user to some url after click on website […]
Posts Tagged ‘programming’

Object reflection in JavaScript
Today a small reflection about the object reflection. I’ll try to be concise. Object reflection in JavaScript Reflection of objects is not just a curiosity, but also a tool, which we can meet more often than we think. And it may turn out to be this, what we need when we stuck with some issue. […]

Algorithms and data structures in JavaScript
In today’s article will be a very important topic, namely: algorithms and data structures in JavaScript. It is an important topic for programming in general. We should not have prejudices — Javascript is suitable for this purpose very well. Perhaps some things will be in ths language a bit harder, but that others will be […]

JavaScript — for what and why? Motivation to explore the language.
JavaScript? I’m pretty sure we can find full spectrum of people — from passionate enthusiasts to people that hate this language, and despise JS developers. Meanwhile, in good conscience we can say that JavaScript is more powerful than many people think! Let’s try to answer following questions: Is JavaScript so strong and necessary? Isn’t this […]