In today’s tutorial we create a simple horizontal menu with images and animation. jQuery tutorial — horizontal sliding menu The whole we will do in a few simple steps. 1. Necessary files We will need: — css/style.css and js/menu_funcs.js files, where we put our styles and JavaScript code for menu handling, — 5 (or more […]
Posts Tagged ‘effects’

More about HTML5 Canvas. Animations, examples, tools.
Hello! It’s time for further exploration of HTML5 Canvas, by implementing the next examples. Today, slightly more advanced things like animation and other graphical operations. HTML5 Canvas in examples So let’s start. To run examples quickly, we use the same very simple page template, as in the previous article. A simple animation using HTML5 Canvas […]

Dojo Toolkit in a nutshell. Part 3 — summary.
In the third section summarizing the basic course of Dojo Toolkit, we will see the creation of visual effects using this library. Dojo Toolkit: effects and animations Any self-respecting JavaScript framework includes solutions to support programming visual effects. It is no different in the Dojo Toolkit. The library since version 1.9 provides two modules: dojo/_base/fx […]

jQuery — DOM, events and effects. Part 2.
Here we go with the second part of jQuery basics, in which we describe the visual effects, DOM operations and events handling using this library. Getting deeper in jQuery Let’s start with the basics of visual effects. There are main methods for elements visibility: show() — causes dynamic showing of hidden element. As arguments can […] library in a nutshell. Part 2 — summary.
The 2nd part of the library course. Today about its strongest point — visual effects. Getting to know more possibilities of Visual effects Effects have their own options, but everywhere we can use Core Effect properties. The general form: Let’s see how it looks in practice. Example — use effects: Example #2 — […]