Posts Tagged ‘object’


JavaScript Facebook API — programming Facebook applications

In today’s article I present a small set of issues, which I commonly used when working with the Facebook application development. Programming Facebook applications Of course, applications typically have components based on PHP SDK, but in general most of the functionality was created using a dedicated SDK for JavaScript Facebook API. Programming Facebook Apps is […]

Prototype JS in a nutshell. Part 3 — summary.

It’s time for the last, 3rd part of basic Prototype JS course, where we focus on the use of forms, associative arrays, strings and others, but this time on the rules of Prototype JS. Further delving into the Prototype JS framework Let’s start with the forms. Form Prototype JS encapsulates and / or extends to […]

JavaScript file

JavaScript in a nutshell — keywords. Basics part 1.

Welcome to the first part of articles about JavaScript language basics. At the beginning I want to describe things useful for beginners, to start programming as soon as possible. More advanced programmers simply may use it as some kind of handbook, having information in one place. We’ll start from JavaScript language keywords. The history of […]