So far, we have described a number of different topics, and now it’s time for an article about forms in JavaScript. Forms, especially in combination with CSS and JavaScript, are providing a strong foundation for development of UI elements to interact with the user. Forms in JavaScript Handling forms in JavaScript from scratch. The form […]
Posts Tagged ‘Object Oriented Programming’
OOP in JavaScript part 2. Summary.
Part 2. of the OOP in JavaScript. Today we will show some more advanced examples. OOP in JavaScript — techniques For a good start, let’s take a closer look at arrays. Arrays as objects A simple array, e.g.: can be written in a concise form: And certainly we can operate on arrays in the same […]
Object-oriented programming in JavaScript. OOP part 1.
Welcome to the first part of the articles about object-oriented programming (OOP) in JavaScript. It is actually necessary to explore of the language secrets. Object-oriented programming in JavaScript JavaScript is an object-oriented language, although there is a lack of certain elements typical for object-oriented languages, at least in the current implementations of JavaScript. But let’s […]