Archive for the ‘HTML5’ Category

More about HTML5 Canvas. Animations, examples, tools.

Hello! It’s time for further exploration of HTML5 Canvas, by implementing the next examples. Today, slightly more advanced things like animation and other graphical operations. HTML5 Canvas in examples So let’s start. To run examples quickly, we use the same very simple page template, as in the previous article. A simple animation using HTML5 Canvas […]

Learning HTML5 Canvas with JavaScript — step by step

We’ve already published a basic course of HTML5, with a solid foundation for learning (or reminders). With such basics we can dive into more advanced (and interesting) topics. Learning HTML5 Canvas can be disassembled into smaller parts, and to handle them step by step. Learning HTML5 Canvas Learning goes great through the implementation of specific […]

HTML5 short course. Part 2 — summary.

In the second, summary part of the basic course HTML5, we look closely at the next great elements of the language. HTML5 short course: the Modernizr library At the beginning we add yourself to facilitate work in the form of the Modernizr library. This is a JavaScript library that detects the availability of HTML5 and […]

HTML5 short course — part 1

Welcome to HTML5 short course — in a nutshell. We tried to prepare a quick course about HTML5 (and the use of JavaScript in its context), containing key information in one place. The case was somewhat complicated by the fact that the subject is quite extensive. But we can handle! HTML5 short course HTML5 is […]

HTML5 Canvas and JavaScript. Introduction.

Introduction to HTML5 we start by one of the most important elements, namely HTML5 Canvas. We’ll talk briefly about programming in JavaScript in the context of the Canvas element (and other elements in further articles). HTML5 Canvas HTML5 gives us many new opportunities, including the new Canvas element, which is part of the HTML5 specification. […]


JavaScript — for what and why? Motivation to explore the language.

JavaScript? I’m pretty sure we can find full spectrum of people — from passionate enthusiasts to people that hate this language, and despise JS developers. Meanwhile, in good conscience we can say that JavaScript is more powerful than many people think! Let’s try to answer following questions: Is JavaScript so strong and necessary? Isn’t this […]