Web Messaging (or cross-document messaging) it’s the API introduced to the HTML5 specification, allowing documents from various sources / domains to communicate in a secure manner. This is the basic level of security that allows to operate over the cross-site scripting protection level. HTML5 Web Messaging The basic method is postMessage, allowing to establish communication. […]
Archive for the ‘HTML5’ Category

HTML5 Cache and JavaScript — how to use HTML5 cache?
Today, a few words about the issues and possibilities offered by HTML5 Cache. Working with HTML5 Cache The back end developers can associate it with a kind of caching the pages, to speed up their loading. In the case of HTML5 Cache it’s also about some other benefits. HTML5 offers caching mechanism for applications in […]

HTML5 Video and JavaScript
After an article about the audio, it’s time to write also about HTML5 Video. Working with HTML5 Video The <video> element of HTML5 specification allows the user to play videos in the browser without installing additional plug-ins. Example of use: As in the case of audio, we can add the controls attribute, to show the […]

HTML5 Audio. Sound support in HTML5 and JavaScript.
HTML5 offers us not only such wonderful elements as Canvas, but many other valuable features, facilitating the creation of on-line applications. One of them is sound support (HTML5 Audio), and additionally also video support. But the most important is that we don’t have to play around strange solutions, like Java applets; we don’t event need […]

HTML5 tutorial: a photo on the Canvas with clickable elements
The result of today’s work will be an effect, that may be useful in a number of projects. It’s about a kind of comment or action related with defined point on the photo. We can, for example, show detailed information after clicking in that point. HTML5 tutorial — clickable elements on the picture We have […]

HTML5 Canvas, JavaScript and operations on images
Some time ago we got a small job. The subject: small research and creation of simple on-line editor for images, which should be editable from HTML5 Canvas and JavaScript level. Then the user should be able to save / send the final image. Today we present the basic elements and some examples related to this […]

Forms in jQuery Mobile
We continue mastering of jQuery Mobile through implementation of examples. The forms are today’s subject. Forms in jQuery Mobile In this case we work normally, by adding HTML5 elements and attributes. The following example shows a simple form elements (inputs) of various types: A sample view in the Opera Mobile Emulator: A full example here. […]

Learning jQuery Mobile — UI, buttons, icons, transition effects
Today another tutorial and further learning jQuery Mobile, through the implementation of examples. Learning jQuery Mobile We’ll start with buttons and icons. The basic example below — creating a button and adding CSS class: In the previous article we talked about pages and transitions between them. The transition was initiated after clicking on a link. […]

HTML5 custom attributes — define own attributes!
Do you want something great? No problem — in HTML5 we can find a lot of great things. You probably know that HTML5 introduces new elements, but it’s not everything! We can define HTML5 custom attributes — new, our own attributes, adjusted for our needs. HTML5 custom attributes The data-* attributes are used to store […]

A simple Halloween game in JavaScript — rapid development with jQuery
I love this atmosphere of Halloween! Having a free moment, I decided to create a simple game to fully feel the atmosphere. Halloween game in JavaScript It’s about the time not complicated requirements. For the project (and writing about on this blog) I had not too much time. Therefore, the aim was to create a […]