Here is the first part of the short courses, describing JavaScript frameworks. The first of these will be Prototype JS. Prototype JS Framework — from scratch A little bit of preliminary information appears in the article JavaScript Frameworks — foreword. The purpose of this article is not to replace the documentation, but the description of […]
Posts Tagged ‘events’

Best solutions in JavaScript — part 2
Update 09-2014 : note — this article has been originally created several years ago, so maybe a little different from today’s standards of good and recommended solutions. Welcome to the next part about practical examples and solutions in JavaScript. We’ll focus mainly on issues of validation (validator elements implementation). It’s just continuation of the previous […]

Best solutions in JavaScript — part 1
Update 09-2014 : note — this article has been originally created several years ago, so maybe a little different from today’s standards of good and recommended solutions. Today we recommend the first part of best practices and solutions in JavaScript. It is purely practical. We present tips and simple tricks. Best solutions in JavaScript An […]

Forms in JavaScript
So far, we have described a number of different topics, and now it’s time for an article about forms in JavaScript. Forms, especially in combination with CSS and JavaScript, are providing a strong foundation for development of UI elements to interact with the user. Forms in JavaScript Handling forms in JavaScript from scratch. The form […]

Functions and events. JavaScript basics part 2.
Functions and events in JavaScript … … will be the main topic in this part of articles about JavaScript basics. So let’s go. Functions in the JavaScript Functions are the next important element of the language. As we already mentioned in part 1: functions exist independently, while methods are directly associated to the objects. When […]