Posts Tagged ‘JavaScript’

Math, numbers, calculations. The Math object in JavaScript.

Well, other JavaScript objects we have discussed already, or we will discuss in next articles. Today we will focus on numbers and the Number object in JavaScript, take a look closer at calculations and Math object in JavaScript. JavaScript Number Object It is a primary object to handle numbers, and has properties for numerical constants: […]

OOP in JavaScript part 2. Summary.

Part 2. of the OOP in JavaScript. Today we will show some more advanced examples. OOP in JavaScript — techniques For a good start, let’s take a closer look at arrays. Arrays as objects A simple array, e.g.: can be written in a concise form: And certainly we can operate on arrays in the same […]

Object-oriented programming in JavaScript. OOP part 1.

Welcome to the first part of the articles about object-oriented programming (OOP) in JavaScript. It is actually necessary to explore of the language secrets. Object-oriented programming in JavaScript JavaScript is an object-oriented language, although there is a lack of certain elements typical for object-oriented languages, at least in the current implementations of JavaScript. But let’s […]

Regular expressions in JavaScript

Today we will discuss one of the slightly more difficult topics, namely regular expressions. Of course, really difficult are the most powerful and advanced expressions. However, possibilities offered by this tool are really huge. Regular expressions in JavaScript Regular Expressions are a way to save a pattern, which can be compared with strings, to check […]

Mastering bitwise operators in JavaScript. Like a boss!

Bitwise operators in JavaScript Today we will try to present bitwise operators in JavaScript language, in an accessible form. The overall concept of the bitwise operators’ work in JavaScript is as follows: — arguments are converted to 32-bit integer and expressed by a sequence of bits, — each bit in the first argument is matched […]

JavaScript DOM. Next step — we explore DOM and BOM.

It’s time to take a step forward. We explore DOM and BOM (Browser Object Model, don’t confuse with Byte Order Mark). JavaScript DOM We will meet with DOM many times. The topic is extensive, but definitely it’s one of the most interesting things in JavaScript. Moreover, thanks to the operations of the DOM we have […]

JavaScript file

Arrays and strings in JavaScript. Basics part 5 — summary.

After discussing the absolute basics, it’s time to talk about arrays and strings in JavaScript. These are really important elements, and having mastered them we are ready to go to the next level. Arrays and strings in JavaScript At first we’ll take a look at text strings and basic methods of processing them. Afterwards we’ll […]

Loops in JavaScript, conditional statements, flow control. JavaScript basics part 4.

In today’s article we’ll discuss conditional statements and loops in JavaScript. Thus we have a full understanding of the program flow control. We are approaching the end of JavaScript basics. And that’s great, because at next development stages there will be more fun and possibilities! The conditional statement: if So code execution depending on the […]

Operators in JavaScript, data types, global elements. Part 3 of language basics.

Welcome to the next article about JavaScript basics. Today we’ll focus on very important topics, such as data types and operators in JavaScript. Operators in JavaScript They serve the programmer to perform basic operations on variables, like assignment, arithmetic, comparison, and more. Arithmetic operators This looks the same as in other programming languages: + (addition) […]

Functions and events. JavaScript basics part 2.

Functions and events in JavaScript … … will be the main topic in this part of articles about JavaScript basics. So let’s go. Functions in the JavaScript Functions are the next important element of the language. As we already mentioned in part 1: functions exist independently, while methods are directly associated to the objects. When […]