Backbone.js is popular JavaScript library, used heavy to create single-page web applications. The library was constructed using RESTful JSON interface and model–view–presenter (MVP) pattern. The creator of Backbone.js is Jeremy Ashkenas — author of underscore.js and CoffeeScript. Backbone.js tutorial for beginners Backbone.js needs only one dependency to work: Underscore.js (>= 1.5.0). Example — working with […]
Posts Tagged ‘underscore.js’

Functional programming in JavaScript and the underscore.js library
Functional programming is a programming methodology being a variation of declarative programming, in which functions belongs to the fundamental values, and the emphasis is on valuation of (often recursive) functions. It’s used also by the underscore.js library, which supports functional programming in JavaScript. Functional programming in JavaScript and underscore.js This JavaScript library offers a variety […]