Today, the second part of exploring the Backbone.js secrets. Backbone.js tutorial After talking about the basics and key aspects, such as models and collections, we will focus on next — Router, View and Events. Routing — Backbone.Router For what would be our application without the possibility of interaction? Backbone.Router provides routing methods for client-side pages, […]
Posts Tagged ‘Backbone.js’

Backbone.js tutorial for beginners — part 1/2
Backbone.js is popular JavaScript library, used heavy to create single-page web applications. The library was constructed using RESTful JSON interface and model–view–presenter (MVP) pattern. The creator of Backbone.js is Jeremy Ashkenas — author of underscore.js and CoffeeScript. Backbone.js tutorial for beginners Backbone.js needs only one dependency to work: Underscore.js (>= 1.5.0). Example — working with […]