Working with JavaScript often is associated with CSS. And thanks to that, we can acquire practice in the use of CSS, even if we don’t deal directly with creating layouts. CSS and JavaScript Good CSS skill broadens our horizons, and helps in developing quick solutions and tricks. CSS For a good start — rotate an […]
Archive for the ‘JavaScript Frameworks’ Category

XML in JavaScript
In this article we take a look on how to work with XML in JavaScript. About the processing of XML in JavaScript we already mentioned in an introduction to AJAX. Today we go further, and of course will try to find solutions that help us in tasks related to XML. XML in JavaScript Though in […]

I18n in JavaScript
I18n so internationalization, and also L10n, are important issues, whenever we create applications targeted for users from many countries. I18n in JavaScript Certainly, many solutions such as frameworks, SDKs for mobile apps and programming languages, have support for multiple languages in developed application. Today we try to find such solutions in JavaScript. We look at […]

Mouse and keyboard in JavaScript
Welcome to the article, in which we will try to comprehensively but succinctly talk about working with the mouse and keyboard in JavaScript. We will also see how popular frameworks can help us. Handling mouse and keyboard in JavaScript Considerations we should start with events, because processing data from basic input devices will be based […]

Date and time functions in JavaScript
Today we take a closer look at ready-made tools to assist us in working with date and time. So libraries with functions to operate on date and time in JavaScript; formating, parsing, comparing, etc. We already talked about basics of date and time functinos in JavaScript here. Now we turn to the more advanced tools. […]

jQuery tutorial: own tooltips
Today we recommend the jQuery tutorial, that shows how to create own ToolTips. In four easy steps. jQuery tutorial — creating own tooltips Source available: here. Step 1 — the project Create a new project (e.g. in Aptana IDE) or simply create a structure as below: Step 2 — the view We create the basic […]

We explore Adobe AIR. Windows, menus, XHR.
Previously we talked about Adobe AIR basics, including preparation of development environment. It’s time for the next article, and more practice. We will work with windows and XHR calls (yes, we can enjoy AJAX in AIR apps). Working with windows in Adobe AIR Creating a window looks exactly the same as it is in classic […]

Adobe AIR tutorial — an introduction and first application
Adobe AIR — quick start In this article I want to provide a quick start with the Adobe AIR technology. It’s the next reason to learn JavaScript and improve our knowledge about this language and related technologies. Adobe AIR (Adobe Integrated Runtime) it’s a runtime environment for RIA apps, which can be developed in Adobe […]

PHP functions in JavaScript — the php.js library
In this short article we want to present a very interesting library — php.js. PHP functions in JavaScript thanks to the php.js library The library allows the programmer to use the functions known from PHP in JavaScript, by implementing their capabilities and syntax. Of course it’s about equivalents of PHP functions, implemented in JavaScript. The […]

Dojo Toolkit in a nutshell. Part 3 — summary.
In the third section summarizing the basic course of Dojo Toolkit, we will see the creation of visual effects using this library. Dojo Toolkit: effects and animations Any self-respecting JavaScript framework includes solutions to support programming visual effects. It is no different in the Dojo Toolkit. The library since version 1.9 provides two modules: dojo/_base/fx […]