Archive for the ‘JavaScript’ Category

Learning jQuery Mobile — UI, buttons, icons, transition effects

Today another tutorial and further learning jQuery Mobile, through the implementation of examples. Learning jQuery Mobile We’ll start with buttons and icons. The basic example below — creating a button and adding CSS class: In the previous article we talked about pages and transitions between them. The transition was initiated after clicking on a link. […]

jQuery mobile

jQuery Mobile tutorial — an introduction

Today, I think there is no doubt about the important role of mobile devices. They are becoming more widely used. Graphical user interfaces are key. For developers of different technologies, the main task is to ensure that applications will work properly on the limited hardware and small touch screens. Web applications have a big importance […]

HTML5 custom attributes — define own attributes!

Do you want something great? No problem — in HTML5 we can find a lot of great things. You probably know that HTML5 introduces new elements, but it’s not everything! We can define HTML5 custom attributes — new, our own attributes, adjusted for our needs. HTML5 custom attributes The data-* attributes are used to store […] доставка цветов Кропоткин. Valorant Hacks

Upload files in JavaScript

Today’s point is about how to perform file upload in JavaScript. OK — with a small help of other technologies, however, it’s about a single, cohesive and working solution. Upload files in JavaScript A basic file upload can be done in a simple manner. Just HTML file input and few lines of PHP code to […]

A simple Halloween game in JavaScript — rapid development with jQuery

I love this atmosphere of Halloween! Having a free moment, I decided to create a simple game to fully feel the atmosphere. Halloween game in JavaScript It’s about the time not complicated requirements. For the project (and writing about on this blog) I had not too much time. Therefore, the aim was to create a […]

Object reflection in JavaScript

Today a small reflection about the object reflection. I’ll try to be concise. Object reflection in JavaScript Reflection of objects is not just a curiosity, but also a tool, which we can meet more often than we think. And it may turn out to be this, what we need when we stuck with some issue. […]

jQuery plugins collection — useful and interesting extensions

Here is a small jQuery plugins collection. I worked with them and I think they are noteworthy. jQuery plugins collection Amount of jQuery plugins is really overwhelming. It’s almost impossible to view all of them. On the other hand, if we need a jQuery plugin implementing some task, almost surely we will find what we’re […]

jQuery zClip

Copy to clipboard in Javascript — jQuery zClip

Today, a quick tutorial on how to copy to the clipboard in JavaScript. Sometimes in our web application project, may appear a requirement: allow copying of data to the clipboard programmatically from JavaScript, after the occurrence of some event. Copy to clipboard in Javascript For this we use my favorite JavaScript framework — jQuery. In […]


The Zepto.js library

Recently we had to work on the project, which used the Zepto.js in frontend layer. This library intrigued me, so I decided to write a few words about it. Zepto.js Zepto.js is a lightweight JavaScript framework, which is doing very well, especially in the WebKit-based browsers. It has syntax mostly compatible with jQuery. So, for […]

On the border: CSS media queries

Today another article on the border. It’s about CSS media queries, which are very significant, especially in the context of modern web applications. CSS media queries In general, it’s a CSS3 module allowing content rendering to adapt to conditions such as screen resolution. This functionality is actually the core of Responsive Web Design (RWD). Using […]